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Feel free to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you and responding. If you have any questions about the content of this site, or if you have any questions about the various products or companies represented on this site, or if you need help, send us an e-mail and we will reply as soon as possible.
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A lot of research has gone into this site regarding colon cancer, diverticulitis, diverticulosis, Crohns disease, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Barretts esophagus, Whipples disease, twisted colon, spastic colon, and the diets that may help prevent and/or help you tolerate these diseases. If we didn't answer all of your questions to your satisfaction, let us know, and we will direct you to someone who can. Other great sources of information are the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Mayo Clinic, as well as numerous universities and major hospital centers. Each of these entities have volumes of data that can help you. You may find it overwhelming, which is why you really need to consult professional help before making major changes.
Thanks for Visiting our site. Don't forget to bookmark it and come back often. This site it updated weekly with new data and research. We also add new pages to this site and will continue to add links to sites that relate to the subject in this site. Any books, products or services that we think may help you will also be referenced here, so this site can become your primary source of information or direction to sources that can help you.
Remember to consult your own physician before making major changes to your diet or exercise regimen. You should also do your own research, so you can have an intelligent conversation with your doctor. Don't be afraid to seek a second opinion if you are not getting the health results you desire or think your physician is not fully interested in your situation.
Please tell your friends about our site. And remember, if you do contact us, we will get back to you as quickly as possible.
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