Diverticulitis Symptoms, Treatments and Prevention

What is it?

It’s important to know what Diverticulitis is, because determining that will lead to appropriate treatment. More importantly, if you know what causes it, then you can take steps to prevent it. Diverticulitis is inflammation or infection of small pouches, called diverticula, which develop along the walls of your intestines. The formation of the pouches themselves is a relatively benign condition known as diverticulosis.

The pouches can develop anywhere on the digestive tract, but they most commonly form at the end of the descending and sigmoid colons, and they also frequently occur on the first section of the small intestine, although problems are rarely found there.

Aging and heredity are primary factors in the development of diverticulosis, but diet also plays a role; eating a lot of low-fiber, refined foods can greatly increase the risk.

According to the British Journal of Clinical Practice, "A high fiber diet is effective in the treatment of diverticular disease." In the Primary Care Clinics In Office Practice, it was stated that "Diets low in fiber predispose a patient to the development of diverticulosis and adding fiber to the diet is effective in prevention and treatment." Research shows that fiber is important regarding the prevention and treatment of diverticulitis. To read more information about fiber and how to supplement effectively with fiber, follow this link to read about MultiFiber TLC. MultiFiber TLC cleanses and feeds 6 key areas of the large and small intestine. As part of a complete fiber program, MultiFiber TLC strengthens muscles, nerves, and circulation throughout the intestines. It supports the growth of "friendly" intestinal bacteria, such as acidophilus. These beneficial bacteria help our bodies product vitamins, digest food, and keep smelly bacteria in check. They also help the body combat food-borne pathogens. MultiFiber TLC also supplies nutrition and energy for gastrointestinal cells. Even if you are eating a healthy diet and using dietary supplements, your body can't make use of nutrients unless they are absorbed by an active digestive system working at peak efficiency. Additionally, MultiFiber TLC helps normalize stool frequency and bulk. For relief from occasional constipation, MultiFiber TLC will help you maintain regularity.

Often times, even when you have diverticulosis, you may not even know it because the diverticula are usually painless and cause few symptoms. Sometimes there are no symptoms. Sometimes you may experience cramping on your left side that disappears when you pass gas or move your bowels. And, because diverticula will occasionally bleed, your stool may contain bright red blood.

You should call your doctor if: you have fever, chills, and abdominal swelling, or are vomiting; abdomen becomes rigid and movement causing pain; or blood appears in stools, indicating internal bleeding.

Check Here to Find Options for Preventing Diverticulitis

Check Here to Learn How Serious Diverticulitis can be

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