Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

What is it?
What can You do about it?

Irritable bowel syndrome, also referred to as IBS, irritable bowel and spastic colon, is a common but poorly understood disorder that causes a variety of bowel symptoms. Some of those symptoms include bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea and/or constipation, gassiness and cramping. While these symptoms may be caused by a number of different bowel diseases, irritable bowel syndrome is usually diagnosed only after your doctor has ruled out the possibility of a more serious problem. So, if you are concerned about irritable bowel syndrome or think someone you know is suffering from it, make sure a physician is consulted.

The severity of IBS can vary from person to person. "Mildly annoying" might be the way some people describe it, while other are so afflicted that they find it difficult to work, sleep or enjoy any part of their life. Some people have intermittent symptoms, while others have severe daily bowel problems. To make things even worse, sometimes symptoms may change over time. An irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) sufferer might have severe symptoms for a several weeks and then feel well for months, or even years. Most people are never cured of IBS, but the disorder is not related to and does not progress to any other disease, such as ulcerative colitis or colon cancer. While it may not be curable, there are certainly ways to irritate the situation and sooth it as well.

According to The Journal of Practical Nursing, regarding metabolic effects of fiber supplementation, "This is the most common of all gastrointestinal disorders. As many as 70% of all patients with gastrointestinal complaints suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, and up to half of all outpatient referral to gastroenterologists are for the management of irritable bowel syndrome, which accounts for some 100,000 impatient admissions annually. Irritable bowel syndrome effects twice as many women as men, and has been estimated to cause as much work absenteeism as the common cold."

What is recommended for Irritable Bowel Syndrome sufferers?

A lot of research shows that fiber is recommended for people who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome and spastic colon. Most IBS sufferers have a low fiber diet because sometimes a food product with fiber seems to irritate their bowels. Actually, when using a high quality fiber product and introducing it very slowly, irritable bowel sufferers can benefit from a high fiber diet too. Most IBS sufferers who have managed to get on a high fiber diet have never felt better.

There is a fiber product that many IBS sufferers have used to successfully receive the benefits of a high fiber diet. That product is called MultiFiber TLC. MultiFiber TLC cleanses and feeds 6 key areas of the large and small intestine. As part of a complete fiber program, MultiFiber TLC strengthens muscles, nerves, and circulation throughout the intestines. It can be a part of a complete fiber program that uses Bios Life 2 for reducing the cholesterol levels and binding of bile salts, and LiFiber which is used for deep cleansing of the intestines as well as part of an anti-parasitic, fungal, and bacterial program. Multifiber TLC has four active ingredients and 3 specific benefits:

Benefit One: MultiFiber TLC supports the growth of "friendly" intestinal bacteria, such as acidophilus. These beneficial bacteria help our bodies product vitamins, digest food, and keep smelly bacteria in check. They also help the body combat food-borne pathogens.

Benefit Two: MultiFiber TLC supplies nutrition and energy for gastrointestinal cells. Even if you are eating a healthy diet and using dietary supplements, your body can't make use of nutrients unless they are absorbed by an active digestive system working at peak efficiency.

Benefit Three: MultiFiber TLC helps normalize stool frequency and bulk. It is normal to have one or two soft, formed bowel movements a day without effort or straining. For relief from occasional constipation, MultiFiber TLC will help you maintain regularity.

When does IBS begin?

Irritable bowel syndrome usually starts in early adulthood. Approximately 10 to 20 percent of the population suffers from IBS, but at least half of all people with the condition never seek medical care for their symptoms. IBS also has been called irritable colon, spastic colon, mucous colitis and functional bowel disease.

No one knows what causes IBS. Some studies suggest that in people with IBS, the nerves and muscles of the colon may be hypersensitive. This means that normal movement of food and gas through the colon causes greater-than-usual pain, intestinal spasms and an irregular patter of bowel movements. In the past, it was thought that stress might cause IBS, or that the symptoms were "all in the head" of the patient. That is no longer the case. Physicians understand that stress does not cause IBS, although it can sometimes worsen symptoms, increase the perception of pain or precipitate a bout.


People with IBS may have some or all of these symptoms:

Abdominal pain, discomfort or cramping. These symptoms may be relieved after a bowel movement. Pain can be mild or severe.

Periods of diarrhea, constipation or alternating constipation and diarrhea.

Bloating, gassiness, or a feeling of having a distended abdomen.

Sometimes feeling that a bowel movement is not finished or that a total evacuation has not occurred.

Some mucus in the bowel movement.

In the worse circumstances, nausea, dizziness or fainting along with the above symptoms may occur.

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